Digna Fransis Temba: A Breath of Fresh Air with a New Toilet

In the quaint Filbert Bayi Street, Kibaha district, Coast region, Digna Fransis Temba, a spirited 26-year-old entrepreneur, faced a sanitation challenge. Her family’s house lacked an outside toilet, complicating daily life especially when hosting many visitors. Digna is married to military police Benedict Ngasi and has three children aged 7 years, 5 years and 3 years. Undeterred by financial constraints Digna did not tire searching for a way to solve her family problem.

In July 2023, armed with a TZS 500,000 (USD 198.81) six months loan accessed from MMCL Finance Ltd, Digna swiftly addressed the issue, constructing a new toilet. The loan, processed, approved, and disbursed within weeks, brought relief and happiness to her family. Now, with a dedicated toilet for guests and children, Digna can focus on growing her business and nurturing her family in a cleaner, more comfortable environment.  The loan is to be repaid in six months with monthly installments of TZS 94,000 (USD 37.38).

In the picture, Digna proudly stands beside the newly constructed toilet, a testament to her determination.