Empowering Dreams:  GIZ E4D, WE4A and WE4D

The Employment and Skills for Development in Africa (E4D) held a remarkable regional conference on 31st October to 2nd November 2023 at Radisson Blu – Upperhill, Nairobi, Kenya. Approximately 160 people attended the conference, including donors, political partners, private sector partners, implementation partners and beneficiaries from current E4D partner countries (Kenya, Ghana, Mozambique, Uganda, Tanzania, Nigeria and South Africa), and staff from E4D/WE4A and WE4D.

 The event was marked with three special occasions:

•          Closing of the successful Employment and Skills for Development in Africa (E4D) Programme

•          Sharing of learnings and successes from the Women Entrepreneurship for Africa (WE4A) Programme

•          Launch of the Employment Promotion for Women for the Green Transformation in Africa (WE4D) Programme

The event featured accomplishments, an opportunity to exchange valuable insights, and outline future objectives. The schedule was colored by engaging panel discussions, thought-provoking keynote addresses, a marketplace showcasing innovative projects, field visits to observe the impact firsthand projects.

The Employment and Skills for Development in Africa (E4D) programme, has achieved substantial impact in sub-Saharan Africa with more than 55,000 people in decent jobs, 169,000 people with improved employment situations and over 165,000 people trained. The programme was implemented between 2015 and 2023 across E4D’s past and present partner countries Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda.

E4D is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and co-funded by the European Union (EU), the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and Sasol. It is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

The programme has enhanced business capacities and promoted economic development.

A Journey Unveiled at the GIZ and TAMFI Workshop

In the bustling heart of Dar es Salaam, a gathering unfolded at the elegant Four Points Hotel by Sheraton on the 20th and 21st of November 2023. It was no ordinary meeting; it was a convergence of dreams and aspirations, where financial institutions and women entrepreneurs came together under the banner of the “Catalyzing Tanzanian Women Entrepreneurs in the WE4A Program to Access Finance through Financial Institutions under TAMFI” workshop. The Women Entrepreneurs in the

A Gathering of Minds and Ambitions:

With a total of 40 participants, including representatives from 17 financial institutions, 15 dynamic women entrepreneurs, and key figures from GiZ and TAMFI, the workshop was more than just a conference—it was a symphony of voices echoing the desire for change.

Setting the Stage:

The Four Points Hotel became a canvas for ideas and collaborations as participants delved into the goals and objectives of the workshop. Beyond the formalities, there was an air of excitement—a shared anticipation for what this gathering could mean for the future of Tanzanian women entrepreneurs.

A Program Full of Insights:

The two-day event featured a diverse array of sessions, each contributing to a rich tapestry of knowledge and empowerment.

  • Overview of Women Economic Development and Access to Finance: Participants immersed themselves in a session that peeled back the layers of economic development for women and the hurdles they face in accessing financial resources.
  • Testimonials: The room buzzed with stories of triumph and tribulation as women entrepreneurs shared their personal journeys, adding a human touch to the intricate landscape of entrepreneurship.
  • Financial Institutions Pitch: Financial institutions took the spotlight, articulating their commitment to supporting women entrepreneurs and detailing the ways in which they could make a difference.
  • Group Discussions and Presentations: Breakout sessions sparked lively discussions, paving the way for insightful presentations and a collective agreement on the way forward.

Agreements for a Brighter Future:

The workshop yielded tangible takeaways and agreements that promise to reshape the landscape for women entrepreneurs in Tanzania:

  1. Transparency Unveiled: Financial institutions pledged to bring clarity to interest rates and associated costs, fostering a transparent and trustworthy financial ecosystem.
  2. Knowledge is Power: A commitment to providing financial education on interest calculations, loan terms, and all other pertinent information associated with lending was embraced ensuring women entrepreneurs are empowered and financially literate.
  3. Streamlining Processes: The ambiguous turn-around time from loan submission to disbursement to be clarified, offering women entrepreneurs a clearer roadmap for their financial journeys.
  4. Tailored Products for Success: Financial institutions recognized the need for tailored products and committed to training staff in product development to better meet the unique needs of women entrepreneurs.
  5. Understanding Needs: A needs assessment survey will be conducted, providing a nuanced understanding of the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs and paving the way for targeted solutions.
  6. Building Bridges: A mentorship program was requested to be initiated, forging connections between financial institutions and women entrepreneurs, fostering growth and guidance.
  7. Financial Literacy Campaign: Increasing awareness on personal financial management, particularly in building collateral, became a shared goal.
  8. Client-Centric Approach: Financial institution officers pledged to enhance their knowledge of their clients, ensuring a client-centric approach in their services.
  9. Exploring Opportunities: A comprehensive survey will delve into the reasons behind slow business growth, the necessity for mindset changes, succession planning, investments in young people, and the need for mentorship.
  10. Innovate and Inspire: Financial institutions were called upon to embrace innovation and creativity, ushering in a new era of dynamic and responsive financial services.

A New Chapter Unfolding:

As the workshop concluded, the energy in the room was palpable—a sense of optimism and commitment lingered. The agreements made and action items defined will undoubtedly shape the future for Tanzanian women entrepreneurs. This workshop wasn’t just a meeting; it was a catalyst for dreams, a beacon of empowerment, and a promise of brighter tomorrows.

In the grand tapestry of Tanzanian entrepreneurship, the threads of change were woven, and the workshop served as a canvas where dreams were not just discussed but set into motion. As we close this chapter, we eagerly await the unfolding of a new era—one where women entrepreneurs in Tanzania thrive, empowered by knowledge, supported by financial institutions, and united in the pursuit of their dreams.