AMORTIZE Microfinance Company Limited is well-regarded and respected Microfinance service provider in the country located at Tunduma town, Momba District in Songwe region of Tanzania AMORTIZE Microfinance delivers a most innovative demand driven financial products and services; that are simple, convenient, and fast. AMORTIZE Microfinance Company Limited was created in line with the government strategy of building an all-inclusive financial system in Tanzania. The main objective of the financial inclusion strategy is to allow unbanked and bankable people access to financial services. AMORTIZE Microfinance operates in the following areas; Tunduma, Chitete-Momba, Ndalambo, Ileje, Mbozi, and Songwe-vwawa.
The Company supports SME’s Youth, Women and Individual by providing financing needs through short term loans. Our loans are designed to provide financial support in the following categories:
1. KAYA SAFI LOAN (Water Supply & Sanitation loans):
AMORTIZE Microfinance offers these products to households, Community based organization and SMEs which lack access to water supply and sanitation. The overall aim of this product is to improve human health, livelihood opportunities for women and youth, and environmental sustainability.
As of now KAYA SAFI loan offer;
· Household Water connection
· Installation Toilet with septic tank and renovation
· Installation of Sun plant
· Leach pit
· Composting Toilet
· Biogas toilet
· Sewer infrastructure extension
· Filter bed toilet
· Rainwater roof harvesting
· Hand-dug well with hand pump
· Borehole well with pump
· Water storage tanks
· Spring catchment
· Water kiosk-private vendor
· Water infrastructure extension to SMEs
· Water filtration and treatment products
AMORTIZE Microfinance delivers KAYA SAFI loans through; – Solidarity group lending and individual lending in order to serve a wide variety of needs of our Water and Sanitation clients. Loan is repayable on, weekly or monthly installments at the choice of the client. KAYA SAFI loan has benefited more than 556 people in Momba District.
Others loan products offered by AMORTIZE Microfinance include;
2. GROUP LOAN: It is a loan lent to groups with 3 to 5 members who co‐guarantee each other for the proper repayment of loans, and attend weekly meetings (called center meeting) for repayment of pre‐calculated instalments. One center consists of 2 to 6 such groups. Women engaged in entrepreneurship business or with small income generating activities are highly encouraged to apply for this loan facility. This loan also suits retail sellers of agriculture products. This loan aids the small –scale Youth and Women farmers by financing the purchase of farm inputs such as certified seeds, fertilizer, chemicals and machinery, the hiring labour and harvesting costs.
3. KILIMO INPUTS LOAN: Great features of this loan are as follows;
·Loan amount granted is between TZS 500,000/= to TZS 2,000,000/=, the repayment period is set at one (1) year, or the crop production period/cycle; whichever is shorter.
Training and mentorship program will be made to farmer’s community before the provision of the KILIMO INPUTS Loan.
Office Location:
1st Floor, BM Building, House No. 35,
Kisimani Street,
P. o. box 112,
Tunduma, Songwe region of Tanzania.
Office Tel:
+255 717-20 58 38
+255 735-20 58 38
Office Email:
afraha08@gmail.com ,

Good, God bless them
This has been ‘’Our Best News Year Ever’’ here at AMORTIZE MICROFINANCE , because TAMFI team you have done so much more than HELP for your appreciation and advocating it when no one else was.
You helped us see the value of hard work and excellence. Thanks for always being with us.