WSS Training
TAMFI conducted two days training for WaterCredit Adoption Program New Entrants in June 18th & 19th, 2024 and in the renewable energy program
at Four Points by Sheraton Hotel, Ilala District, Dar es Salaam Region of Tanzania.
The topics trained include;
a. Understanding Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) Clients and their needs.
b. Capturing WSS Clients’ Needs (Paraphrasing and In-Depth Interview).
c. Dealing with Clients’ Objections.
d. Successful approaches to WSS Clients.
e. Rescheduling, Refinancing and/or Loan Write offs
f. Monitoring of Portfolio Development & Social Impacts.
The participants attended were from the following Microfinance Institutions;
a. Enokwe Finance Ltd
b. Engishon Microfinance
c. TANERELA Kigoma
d. Fanikiwa Microfinance
e. Wedac Microfinance
f. Amortize Microfinance
g. Winchi Microfinance
h. Mucyo Microcredit
i. Investgo Finance Ltd
j. BK Finance Ltd
k. Epik Microfinance

DRE Financing Stock taking discussion
TAMFI conducted a DRE Financing Stock taking discussion on Scaling-up Opportunities was conducted on 21st June 2024 at Four Points by Sheraton Hotel, Ilala District, Dar es Salaam Region of Tanzania. TAMFI is working on strengthening the Financial Institution financing Productive Use of Renewable Energy products through loans by linking them to stakeholders, partnership and supporting them to scale up for the purpose of reaching more last mile communities. The workshop allowed one on one sessions for aligning individual institutional plans and pain points where TAMFI will concentrate in 2024.
The Financial Institutions participated were;
a. Equity Bank Tanzania
b. VisionFund Tanzania Microfinance Bank
c. Rukwa Farmers Coop.
d. Victoria Finance Ltd
e. Engishon Microfinance
f. Wedac Microfinance
g. Enokwe Finance Ltd
h. Laina Finance Ltd
i. SameKaya SACCOS
j. VICOBA Sustainable
l. Caritas Finance Ltd
m. MMCL Finance Ltd