More than 7,000 people in Tanzania have access to clean water and sanitation services after accessing special loans that aim to reduce health challenges related to lack of water and basic hygiene.
The achieved milestone is part of the outcome of the ongoing project implemented in partnership between Tanzania Association of Microfinance Institutions (TAMFI) and water.org to access safe water and sanitation through its members.
So far, since the signing of the agreement in January 2022, 12 financial institutions are actively providing water supply and sanitation loans where together they have mobilized TZS 1.5B of capital to disburse over 600 loans.
Analysis shows provided loans have benefited over 7,000 individuals and households.
“With a direct association to the SDG6, this partnership seeks to complement government efforts which ensures that nationwide coverage in both water and sanitation is achieved and reaches 2030 targets that have been set,” Ms. Winnie Terry said.
The partnership is part of efforts in ensuring access in the last mile where water and sanitation issues are addressed at the level of the individual households.
A friendly model for partners
In order to achieve this, a model known as the WaterCredit Adoption (WCAD) model was adopted. The model engages all stakeholders in the water and sanitation value chains with TAMFI and its members being at its core in order to ensure the access of the products, in form of loans, by individuals.
The model, Ms. Terry said, starts with the identification and signing of agreements with the financial institutions interested in the project and is immediately followed by market research.
A series of capacity building sessions that fortify the financial institutions to reach the stages of disbursing the water and sanitation (WSS) loans are thereafter carried out followed by the production, delivery and use of marketing materials.
The materials range from fliers, posters, t-shirts, gazebo, radio advertisements just to mention a few.
“At this point is when stakeholders are required in order to support the outreach of more households. These stakeholders include funders, NGOs, water authorities, producers, suppliers and fundis (technicians or artisans),” Judith Sando said.
To achieve the objectives, Ms. Terry said TAMFI calls to all stakeholders in the water and sanitation value chains to engage in this endeavor by partnering with either TAMFI or the member financial institutions so that more households in Tanzania can enjoy the social, financial and economic benefits drawn from accessing clean water and sanitation at the household level.