VICTORIA FINANCE: Established to Serve

Victoria Finance Gives More!

Victoria Finance PLC (VFP) is one of the leading microfinance institutions in Tanzania. The Company is a non-deposit-taking microfinance institution, regulated by the Bank of Tanzania under Tier 2. The company was incorporated in 2009 under the Companies Act, CAP 212 of 2002, and commenced its operation on 2nd May 2010 after obtaining the required business licenses to operate as a microfinance business. A change of the company status from Victoria Finance Limited to Victoria Finance PLC, on which the new certificate of incorporation was issued, came into effect on 5th May 2014. The Group is dedicated to providing microfinance products and services, especially to the needy people in the country. VFP provides microfinance products and services to individuals, corporate, and SACCOS or similar groups who may not be able to obtain such services from commercial banks or other financial institutions. The company is dedicated to providing microfinance services to low and middle-income earners, women, youth and to the needy and the focus sectors includes agriculture, education, housing, micro and small-scale trading as well as consumer product solutions aiming at improving the customer’s quality of life.

With the current low level of financial inclusion in Tanzania, the development of microfinance institutions is one of the ways to improve financial inclusion by reaching and providing financial services to the underserved population.

In an effort to diversify its revenue sources and increase its financial inclusion offerings; on 28th March 2017, Victoria Finance PLC incorporated an insurance Subsidiary-Victoria Insurance Brokers Limited (VIB). VIB focuses on both life and non-life insurance offering, with the mission to “provisioning of insurance services aiming at enhancing customers’ satisfaction and shareholder’s value.” Victoria Finance PLC is the majority shareholder of Victoria Insurance Brokers Limited, owning more than 99%. The remaining portion is owned by two individuals with equal sharing.

The company operations cover four regions- Dar es Salaam, Coastal, Mbeya, and Morogoro. Victoria Finance’s rural presence accounts for more than 32% of the Company’s lending operations. Using digital technology and three branches in Dar es Salaam, Madibira in Mbeya and Dakawa in Morogoro, we are able to serve remote and rural areas where financial inclusion is still limited.

In addition to lending and insurance brokerage activities, the Group has been involved in mobilizing and managing special impact funds to specific projects for promotion of inclusive finance in the rural areas. We have assisted various community-based groups to commercialize their primary production into more viable trading businesses hence adding value to their products.

Victoria Finance gives you more as the future is in our hands and for sure we can mold as we like and we cannot wait until tomorrow. Victoria Finance understands well that tomorrow is now since we mean business. As a competent stakeholder in the microfinance industry in Tanzania, Victoria Finance dares to say she sees the prominent future ahead of the provision of financial solutions, something which requires full commitment and devotion. We have taken access to affordable finance at our heart and are doing everything possible to design financial services that address the pain points of our clients.

Commitment to the Future

Our Mission

“To provide comprehensive financial solutions by meeting customers’ needs, realizing shareholders value and ultimately benefiting the society.”

Our Vision

“To be the preferred financial services partner in Tanzania.”

Victoria Finance through her Board of Directors developed and approved her strategic plan. This plan is envisaged by the vision and mission that takes into account the needs and aspirations of our customers, and majority being micro and small enterprises conducting economic activities in urban and rural Tanzania.

Having this plan in place Victoria Finance believes can give you more by acting as a tool, serving as an alternative means, or being an agent of changing the behaviors of her existing and potential clients. 

Victoria Finance business ensures improved inclusive financial growth that carries aspirations of those marginalized, underserved and low-income populations which have not been able to be served by the mainstream financial service sector. In addition, as an alternative means, the company intends to improve customer experience via improving retention and loyalty. Ultimately but not least, as an agent of changing behavior, the Company intends to increase the use of innovations and technology to drive value additions in the microfinance business by aligning with the essential dynamics of ever changing customers’ financial needs. 

Change is Evident

The change for the future is evident because there are key stakeholders in place including firstly, customers themselves where the majority are low-income earners engaged in economic activities such as farming, trading, and other services. Secondly employees of Victoria Finance who are at the center of ensuring that this dream is becoming true by working diligently, and are eager to see our customers are happy. 

The shareholders envisioned creating a business with expectations of benefiting society at large while ensuring sustainability in the future. Both suppliers and vendors who provide services to the company, expect to see the sustainability of the company. Furthermore, the government and community at large expect to see the company become a good citizen by paying taxes and supporting the community

To achieve a bright future, Victoria Finance as a visionary company;

Committed to building a strong synergistic team with a recognized structure to accomplish objectives. The Company strives to satisfy its customers by giving them the assurance that they are understood and surrounded by like-minded people.

In all undertakings, we serve our customers in an impartial, effective, and professional way with the highest ethical standards. All employees are supposed to treat customers with the utmost highest standards and respect for whom they are without compromising humanity.

We are responsible for our actions in all undertakings. We take ownership of our work and promptly correct mistakes to the greatest extent possible.

Digitalization and Innovation

Being a champion of digitalization and innovation in the microfinance industry, Victoria Finance is the pioneer in the adoption of advanced technologies and creative solutions to enhance financial services for underserved and marginalized populations. The Company has made significant achievements in implementation of digital integration to create better access to financial services and easy end to end credit sanction and allowing for easier payments and collections. 

Typical products and services include:


1BusinessWorking capital to support short term financing needs in trade
2AgricultureFinancing agriculture value chain including crop and poultry financing to smallholder farmers
3Edu financeProviding short term and medium-term financing needs to private schools to improve infrastructure
4Micro housingAFinancing housing activities to improve decent housing for our clients
5Inuka MalkiaFocus on providing support to women in value additions including small scale processing and manufacturing
6Consumerprovide salaried customers with easy access to funds for their personal/consumption needs
7WASHFinancing access to water and sanitation to our clients
8KilimopesaThe digital product that allows access to emergency finance in agriculture value chain
9InsuranceAProvision of a wide range of microinsurance and other insurance services

Changing Agents for the Future

The future of Victoria Finance is tasked with considering multiple factors, looking locally and globally, to seek out evidence. Many of the issues are outlined before the Board to contemplate and affirm their application as per the best practices in the microfinance industry.

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